Merry Christmas everyone!
This morning we woke up to a WET Christmas, our first in 5 Christmases in Arizona! It is cold and wet. UGH! We usually go out and the boys play football. So we will see how that goes!
The kids LOVED their presents, "Santa" was very good to them this year. Mouse a riding helmet and rope for his horse riding lessons. He is going to start learning to herd and rope steer! He is really excited his instructor said he is doing great, and suggested them for him. Grandma M said, "He looks like a natural!!!" He also got a basketball and mini Lego's.
JuJu got a purple princess bike and Burt's Bee's Makeup! C-man hit it big, Santa gave him a Kidi Art Studio by vtech! He can not wait for Daddy to find his tools to put it together for him (most of them at the old house still!) Though his favorite presents are the Star Wars dishes and the new pacifiers from Santa!
We hope everyone has a safe and very blessed Christmas! We love and miss everyone one!