The picture above was C-man's first attempt at dressing up!
Well the old saying "Time Flies" is so true as we get on in life isn't it? As April rolls around I am reminded of how quickly it moves whether you are ready for it to or not. Mouse just wrapped up 2nd grade, 2+months early. JuJu is finishing up a awesome year in her preschool swap. She is reading and can't wait to read more! Her newest love are chapter books! Of course she can not read them by herself yet, but she enjoys, much to Mouse's dismay, having them read by either he or I! He says, "Oh man! Do I HAVE to read those fairy books to her!" (She just he started read the Magic Fairy books) He is a good big brother does read to her anyways! Mouse LOVES to read also! He has discovered kid mystery books. He reads Encyclopedia Brown, and The Box Car Children! C-man is C-man! He is wild, unpredictable, and chameleon like in his moods! He is so loving and funny on minute and laying on the floor and screaming the next! 2 can not go quick enough for me!
J is really busy lately, working in AZ, NV and CA doing clean ups for foreclosures. He has been running like a chicken with his head cut off....which brings me to chickens :-)
We now own 4!!!!! We have 2 Americana's and 2 Red Rock Pullets. We plan on a few more, but until the coop is finished we are good. They are currently residing in the garage in Rookie's old Dog crate! UGH! They reek! They are getting huge still not sure if we have Roo's or Hen's. Hopefully only one Roo!
With Mouse embarking into 3rd grade and JuJu starting K (both homeschooled) and C-man and all his issues we have decided it is time for a little help for Mommy. With J working out of state it is hectic with a dog, a cat, 4 chicken, on a acre....oh and did I mention Rabbits? :-) There are millions of them! Bunnies are VERY prolific! LOL! We have them everywhere! The kids refuse to let us barricade the yard. So we have taken to feeding them old fruit and veggies and there peels/skins in the very far corner of the yard. We are trying to encourage them to eat FAR FAR away from our soon-to-be garden area!
J started a huge composting area in the yard for his business. Which has been a challenge! Rookie digs in it every chance he gets which means he comes out NOT smelling of roses! He is getting ready to have a doggie bday. The 24th of this month. WOW that has flown by, he definitely has NOT finished with puppy hood. He chews EVERYTHING! Last week it was the hose.
Back to the help for Mommy! We are currently "interviewing" young women for a Nanny position. So if you could keep us in your thoughts and prayers while we embark on this journey we would really appreciate it!
In regards to C-man...in the past month we have discovered new food issues. He can no longer have peanuts and berries of ANY kind. He get HORRIBLE hives! We are going to have to have his food allergy panel done again. Poor baby, instead of growing out of them he is developing new ones! We love everyone bunches and can't wait to see you all soon! There are a few babies out there who are SERIOUSLY needing some snuggle time from me!!! :-)