Sunday, May 25, 2008

Still waiting...

C-man was supposed to go in to see the GI specialist again this Tuesday but the Doctor hasn't got all his testing back. Also, the Children's Hospital still hasn't had any cancellations to get him in before the 5th of June. So it looks like we have another week or two. I rescheduled his follow-up with the GI for the 9th of June. So we SHOULD have all test results that were ordered back in. Let me tell you that getting the "samples" as I will nicely call them was NEAR impossible! Have you ever tried to hold a baby over a paint style can to do his "deed"? Or tried to figure out when he was going or just being aromatic? LOL! Talk about GAG city! UGH! I PRAY I never have to do THAT again! GI said the lab would have to just get what they could! Hopefully it is enough.
As for me, I spent one day at ER this week, and today at UC. No clue what is going on, I am a mass of symptoms for both my thyroid/adrinal gland(s) and my gallbladder. From Thursday until today from my ears/chin down to my waist front and back and on my arms I have been covered in hives. I had to have a prednisone shot in the behind OUCH!!!!!!!
I have a follow-up with a internal medicine specialist/family practice Dr. Tues at 2:30p and then next week on the 2nd I see a Endocrinologist, FINALLY!!!!!!!! I know the stress of C-man being sick and wrapping up a school year with Mouse have added a lot. So we have been getting rid of all the extra commitments. Which means, no more homeschool park day for a while, no more preschool swap hosting for me, though my friends have graciously said JuJu could still come to their homes. Baseball is finished for Mouse so no more 2-3 days a week commitment there, cancelled plans for swim lessons, C-man is the only one who doesn't know how to swim, but since we don't own a pool it isn't crucial until next year, IMO. Ballet will be finished for the summer in a little over 4 wks. So please keep us in your thoughts and prayers!
Oh and we are NOT getting a new puppy until early July. That is when the liter will be old enough, by then HOPEFULLY our life will on some sort of better track by then!

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The love of my life and I.

The love of my life and I.