Monday, August 27, 2007


JuJu started preschool again last week. She is in a at home school again, I really like that for her because she is so young. Seems to like it a lot. The first day she cried for a few minutes but she knows 3 of the 10 kids that are there so that helped! She is having a blast, she has learned two nursery rhymes! Hickory Dickory Dock and Jack be Nimble. She is so darn cute when she recites them!!! (They get a treat when they can recite them for their teacher!) Video camera kicked the bucket so I HAVE to get a new one soon, definitely before the boys b-day party!!! C-man is almost walking took 6 steps today! "Can't wait" for that (NOT!) Today he decided that he wanted to have some Cinnamon Life to eat and dumped the whole box on the floor. He also had the pleasure of eating kitty food today! Mouse left the dry food on the floor of the pantry after feeding the cat! YUCK!!!!

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The love of my life and I.

The love of my life and I.