We started this a few years ago. On the 1st of December we drag out our tree (sorry folks in AZ it is two damn dry to have a real one so it is fake in the Inglin house ;o( ) listen to Christmas music and drink hot chocolate (spiked for Jand I of course LOL!) 2 yrs ago we added in the Polar Express to our tradition. The kids just LOVE that movie. It sure does look great on a big flat screen T.V.! Next year we may just have to add riding the Polar Express up in Flagstaff to our tradition! We break out the Christmas P.J.'s and slippers and decorate outside too. This year we added to our tradition reading a Christmas story every night until Christmas! The kids love it, although C-man is driving everyone bonkers wanting to read "Frosty the Snowman" (of course we can't read it we have to sing it) and the "Little Drummer Boy" OVER and OVER again and again. He is so darn cute singing! I wish I could figure out how to hook my video camera up to my computer to download it here! Hope you enjoy the pictures and I promise to be better in 2010 on posting more often. This year has been a crazy hectic year and I am hoping 2010 will turn things around for the better! Wishing each and everyone of you a bright and happy Christmas filled with love and family. Remember the true meaning of Christmas. Luke 2:10-12
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