Monday, July 14, 2008

POOP on the Floor

I have been trying to work with C-man on his pottying situation. He hates to keep a wet diaper on! So he takes it off every chance he gets, which I have been told is a sign he is ready to potty train. we tried naked boy.
Did I mention it didn't work well??? LOL! He pooped under the table, luckily I got the potty under him for most of it, but in the process one of the kids let the dog in, who of course RAN under the table and tried to EAT it!!!!!!!!!!!! DISGUSTING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Can you say *&$# DOG! LOL!
So we will NOT be doing much naked time for a while! Have trainer coming in the mail hopefully they will work better! he just can not be easy like Mouse and JuJu can he! They were SO easy, I said "today we are going to go on the potty, they said "okay" I KNEW I couldn't be so lucky for them all to be so easy!

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The love of my life and I.

The love of my life and I.