Monday, July 21, 2008

C-man update...again

C-man went back to the Naturopathic MD today. We got his 2nd set of stool test back. POSITIVE and NEGATIVE! Praising God that we finally are starting to go somewhere! He has been taking baby probiotics for MONTHS now. I think I started them around 4mo? On and off. Well he shows absolutely NONE in his system! For some reason his body is not absorbing any of them. Here is what it says:
Gamma Strep 4+
Bacillus spp. 1+
Staphylococcus Aureus 1+
None of this means anything to me, but she said that they shouldn't be there. BUT they are not what is causing his problems. (Diarrhea)I guess these are all normal bacterias that our bodies host, but they should NOT be in his digestive tract.
Here are his major results:
Lysozyme: 1440 (normal is <=600) Lactoferrin 13.5 (norm is <7.3) class="blsp-spelling-error" id="SPELLING_ERROR_10">sigA (body defense mechanism) 636 (norm is 51-204)
His stool is also WAY to acidic (cause of his frequent diaper rashes)
There are two paths we could've chosen to go down. All signs point towards one of 5 things. The first three are bacteria/parasitic related. We choose this route to eliminate first, since it is treatable. He is being tested (stool again) for Shigella, Ckistrudium DiffucileToxin, these two can be contracted from eating under cooked chicken, especially common in Chinese food and from bad drinking water. Lakes and rivers are major causes of this. He, until this month had never been in a lake or river. The third thing is a deeper analysis of parasites.
If none of these come back positive then she will head down the other path.The other would be Ulcerated Colitis, IBD (inflammatory bowel disease, not to be confused with IBS) Where IBS is irritating, IBD is potentially life threatening untreated. Not sure WHAT treating would consist of. Last, Chrone's Disease.
Please continue to pray! We go back in one month. It takes a 4days to collect samples a week or two to "grow" them, then a week to get back to the Dr. So we will see her again around the 25th of August.

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The love of my life and I.

The love of my life and I.