Saturday, August 9, 2008

A long time coming...

Okay some of you have been bugging me about posting pictures of Rookie. Here he is in all his puppy glory. Sorry it is blurry but he will NOT stay still, why there are no pictures of him. He is the poster dog for ADD! Today he had his 4mo check up. He was a good little doggie for the shots, BUT he tried to bite Juli in the office. I know it was because he was scared. BUT our vet was ADAMANT about being he "alpha male" to him. SO we are starting doggie training. :-(
We have to push him to the ground and make him submit EVERY TIME he jumps on the kids or tries to nip them. He is really cute, BUT licks all the time, those of you that know me well know I HATE that! UGH!!! Nothing worse than being licked 24/7 by a darn dog! Hope you enjoy our boy. He is weighing in at 23lbs which is 2 lbs more than C-man right now! LOL! They are quite the pair C-man calls him Roooh-ieeee. It is really cute. But when isn't C-man cute! Things are going well. C-man goes to the NMD on the 20th for his results she moved his appointment up. Sorry it took me so long to post, but J has had my camera for work so I didn't have any pics to post. Will post more after this!

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The love of my life and I.

The love of my life and I.