Saturday, August 9, 2008


Here is a picture of C-man eating powder sugar after I discovered a YUMMY frosting recipe that he can eat. He "helped" me clean up! Can you tell where he put the droppings?! To cute! He is such a MONSTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The Lord most have decided we need a strong willed child because he is EXACTLY that! He refuses to keep any clothes on INCLUDING diapers! So we have LOTS of fun days cleaning "messes" because no one noticed a diaperless baby running around until he comes and says "Gooosss" (Gross) guessed it, *presents*!

1 comment:

Beth said...

Ha ha! Staci he is so cute. And Madeleine does the exact same thing! Whenever I change her diaper, she tries to take her shirt off and says "Naked girl!" Then if she can get away she runs away from me yelling "Naked girl!"

And she also says "GOOOos!" But just randomly - not about poop :)

The love of my life and I.

The love of my life and I.