Monday, July 21, 2008

C-man update...again

C-man went back to the Naturopathic MD today. We got his 2nd set of stool test back. POSITIVE and NEGATIVE! Praising God that we finally are starting to go somewhere! He has been taking baby probiotics for MONTHS now. I think I started them around 4mo? On and off. Well he shows absolutely NONE in his system! For some reason his body is not absorbing any of them. Here is what it says:
Gamma Strep 4+
Bacillus spp. 1+
Staphylococcus Aureus 1+
None of this means anything to me, but she said that they shouldn't be there. BUT they are not what is causing his problems. (Diarrhea)I guess these are all normal bacterias that our bodies host, but they should NOT be in his digestive tract.
Here are his major results:
Lysozyme: 1440 (normal is <=600) Lactoferrin 13.5 (norm is <7.3) class="blsp-spelling-error" id="SPELLING_ERROR_10">sigA (body defense mechanism) 636 (norm is 51-204)
His stool is also WAY to acidic (cause of his frequent diaper rashes)
There are two paths we could've chosen to go down. All signs point towards one of 5 things. The first three are bacteria/parasitic related. We choose this route to eliminate first, since it is treatable. He is being tested (stool again) for Shigella, Ckistrudium DiffucileToxin, these two can be contracted from eating under cooked chicken, especially common in Chinese food and from bad drinking water. Lakes and rivers are major causes of this. He, until this month had never been in a lake or river. The third thing is a deeper analysis of parasites.
If none of these come back positive then she will head down the other path.The other would be Ulcerated Colitis, IBD (inflammatory bowel disease, not to be confused with IBS) Where IBS is irritating, IBD is potentially life threatening untreated. Not sure WHAT treating would consist of. Last, Chrone's Disease.
Please continue to pray! We go back in one month. It takes a 4days to collect samples a week or two to "grow" them, then a week to get back to the Dr. So we will see her again around the 25th of August.

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Meet Walle

Here is one of the new members in our family! Walle is a Siamese/Persian girl kitty we rescued from Wal Mart (hence the name) She is really sweet. It took Lightning 2 or 3 days to get used to her. But they are best buds now and they totally dislike Rookie! She is going to make a mess of my house with that long white hair but that just means she will fit right in! LOL! Now the kids each have a pet. NO MORE! Pictures of Rookie to come soon hopefully he will not stay still for a picture!

Monday, July 14, 2008

POOP on the Floor

I have been trying to work with C-man on his pottying situation. He hates to keep a wet diaper on! So he takes it off every chance he gets, which I have been told is a sign he is ready to potty train. we tried naked boy.
Did I mention it didn't work well??? LOL! He pooped under the table, luckily I got the potty under him for most of it, but in the process one of the kids let the dog in, who of course RAN under the table and tried to EAT it!!!!!!!!!!!! DISGUSTING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Can you say *&$# DOG! LOL!
So we will NOT be doing much naked time for a while! Have trainer coming in the mail hopefully they will work better! he just can not be easy like Mouse and JuJu can he! They were SO easy, I said "today we are going to go on the potty, they said "okay" I KNEW I couldn't be so lucky for them all to be so easy!

Monday, July 7, 2008

Camping for the 4th

Here is a picture of the monsters from our 4th of July camping trip! Mouse LOVED it, C-man ate every rock in the camp site, ended up with hives all over his belly, still trying to get rid of them! JuJu was bored "what are we going to do now/next?" came out of her mouth about every 1/2 hour. It was HOT, DIRTY, HOT....I mean really HOT!

Here they are playing dominoes in the tent. Unfortunately I forgot to take pictures of the PortAPrivy. YEP! J took me somewhere with NO running water, NO toilets, not even outhouses, didn't even have a picnic table at the site! Come on you would think the man would know me after 11 yrs! HELLO! LOL! But I had to prove that I could do it, don't say I don't have a foolish, stubborn streak! I did it, I hated it, will I do it again....MAYBE. Yep I am certifiable!

One a side not, we now have two new members of the family. Rookie our lab puppy we were adopting is now in his forever home with us! We picked him up from his foster mom last night. We also took in a kitten that was going to die in a Wal Mart shopping cart area....LONG STORY! But I have a bleeding heart for kittens. She is beautiful, I will post pics of them soon, her name is Walle, after Wal Mart and spelled like the movie! Mouse's idea. We thought she was a boy at first. NOPE...Lightning is NOT happy about the newest Inglin's! She hisses at them and swats them. Hoping she adjusts!

Hope your weekend was great....Did I mention mine was HOT???? hee hee!

Thursday, July 3, 2008

C-man dressing himself

Oh My Goodness! Is this not so darn cute! C-Man was going through the clean clothes and put on Mouse's shirt for a pair of "pants" and his own on top! TOO CUTE!

The love of my life and I.

The love of my life and I.