Thursday, December 25, 2008


Merry Christmas everyone!

This morning we woke up to a WET Christmas, our first in 5 Christmases in Arizona! It is cold and wet. UGH! We usually go out and the boys play football. So we will see how that goes!

The kids LOVED their presents, "Santa" was very good to them this year. Mouse a riding helmet and rope for his horse riding lessons. He is going to start learning to herd and rope steer! He is really excited his instructor said he is doing great, and suggested them for him. Grandma M said, "He looks like a natural!!!" He also got a basketball and mini Lego's.

JuJu got a purple princess bike and Burt's Bee's Makeup! C-man hit it big, Santa gave him a Kidi Art Studio by vtech! He can not wait for Daddy to find his tools to put it together for him (most of them at the old house still!) Though his favorite presents are the Star Wars dishes and the new pacifiers from Santa!

We hope everyone has a safe and very blessed Christmas! We love and miss everyone one!

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving!

From our family to yours. We hope you Thanksgiving day was filled with many reasons to give thanks! I am so Thankful this year for many things. It is hard to write them all down. I pray your holiday brings you good health, happiness and lots of great memories with your family and friends!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

The kids are taking riding lessons. We have had 2 lessons so far. They LOVE it! Their instructor is really nice, he is a barrel racer. The kids are going every other week right now because it is pricey. They were so excited after their first lesson that they spent their OWN money to buy boots and wranglers! To funny! C-man went the first time, but after listening to him yell, "my ride 'orse! over and over, it was decided that he will stay at Auntie's on Tues afternoons! Hope you enjoy the pics of their first lesson. Juli is SO fluid in the saddle! Mike is a little bit rough but he makes up for it in desire!

Monday, October 13, 2008

Pumpkin Patch 2008

Here is a picture from today visit to Tolachoff Farms. C-man and I had a blast riding this bike thing around. My legs are going to be screaming tomorrow!!! It was fun though. The Mouse and JuJu are in the back with Pop, Tater and Boo.

Pictures from the party part 2

Me and the boys! C-man wouldn't put a costume on, Darth Vader is the Mouse. I am Padme, as you can see I chopped my hair again. good thing it grows quickly! I actually like this one. The last one a month ago was AWFUL! Could have been the person who cut my hair :-)

Happy Happy Birthday to our Oldest and Youngest!

The boys turned 2 yrs and 8yrs respectively this weekend. Makes me sad. My babies are growing way to fast for me! I can not believe 8 yrs ago I had no kids. I can't remember my life and can't imagine it with out them. They are the light of our lives. Mouse is such a good, kind, caring loving big brother. C-man is wild! He is funny, happy and exuberant! He makes us laugh and smile with everything he does. JuJu is going to be in big trouble with these two when she gets big. One serious older brother to monitor her actions and then one wild little brother to help her hide what she is getting into. Lord save us now! Here are some pics of the party. It was a Galactic bash! Star Wars was the theme. Of course J wouldn't wear his outfit because none of the Dad's who came were dressed up! He was supposed to be Anikin Skywalker. Anyways we had a blast, went on a scavenger hunt, had a pinata and the boys had a million light saber fights. All in all good times!

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

We are making progress!!!

YEAH!!! C-man is really starting to show some effort with the potty training! He is now voluntarily doing "#2" on the potty! Two days running! I wont mind pee accidents it was the poo ones that were killing me! GROSS!
So I am SO happy, unfortunately the reason he is willing is I give him suckers that I bought at Trader Joe's! He runs around all day yelling "tucker, tucker, tucker!!!"
JuJu and C-man have colds right now :-( no fun! So the upstairs smells like Eucalyptus and Rosemary Oil from the mist machines! It works so well and isn't bad on the senses!
Happy OCTOBER!!!! We are going to decorate the yard tomorrow will post pictures when we are finished! The kids LOVE October because of all the birthdays and our Halloween parties.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Feeling nastalgic

My boys are going to be 8 and 2 respectively next month. I am sitting here feeling sad :-( They are getting way to big. Count down is less than 3 weeks. Stay tuned for the ultimate Star Wars pictures. C-man is OBSESSED, and in turn everyone in the house is now obsessed, with Star Wars. Here is a picture of him I took a few days ago. He is the funniest, happiest, DEMANDING little man I have ever seen. I am SO thankful that he is still cuddly, though somedays I would be really happy not to pack him! He LOVES to hug and be a monkey hanging on to us. We laugh because we can pick him up and let go completely and he just suctions himself on to us! To funny. I will have to have Mouse take a picture of it.

Sunday, August 31, 2008

Praying for Miracles

Please join me:

"Father in Heaven,

I ask that you watch over your children in the Gulf Coast region of the United States as they pray and wait for hurricane news today and into the coming week. Keep them safe, limit the number of lives taken and watch over there homes as they flee the destruction of Category 4 hurricane winds and rains. I ask for a supernatural miracle today Lord, lesson the strength of the hurricanes and show mercy on the families there. I pray for peace, strength, safety and health to those there, and the ones going in to help.

In Jesus name I pray.....AMEN"

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Another fundraiser...

I am doing another fundraiser that I would LOVE support on! I am doing Race for the Cure on October 12th. Race for the Cure supports Breast Cancer Research. I am walking a 5K with my friend had breast cancer and chemo/radiation last year. If you are intersted in sponsoring me email me!

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Our mini vacation

Here are some pics from our mini vacation. The kids had a blast! Nothing like family pool time. C-man hated the water at first but he LOVED the hot tub! Said "bath" over and over!

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Please Join me...

I am going to be participating in the AZ Walk for Life 2 mile walk in October. The proceeds go to The Pregnancy Crisis Center. I would really appreciate your help raising money for this cause. Some of the ways to do this would be to join me in the walk or donate money if you are unable.
Checks (made out to Pregnancy Crisis Center) cash (of course :-] ) and online donations are all welcome! You can make online donations at:
remember to put my name in the Note box when donating!
Donations are completely tax deductible, J and I are doing a donation from the business. I hope to see you there and if not hope you can join me in donating to such a worthy cause!


Saturday, August 9, 2008


Here is a picture of C-man eating powder sugar after I discovered a YUMMY frosting recipe that he can eat. He "helped" me clean up! Can you tell where he put the droppings?! To cute! He is such a MONSTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The Lord most have decided we need a strong willed child because he is EXACTLY that! He refuses to keep any clothes on INCLUDING diapers! So we have LOTS of fun days cleaning "messes" because no one noticed a diaperless baby running around until he comes and says "Gooosss" (Gross) guessed it, *presents*!

C-man making art for the fridge!

Isn't he so cute with all that concentration!

A long time coming...

Okay some of you have been bugging me about posting pictures of Rookie. Here he is in all his puppy glory. Sorry it is blurry but he will NOT stay still, why there are no pictures of him. He is the poster dog for ADD! Today he had his 4mo check up. He was a good little doggie for the shots, BUT he tried to bite Juli in the office. I know it was because he was scared. BUT our vet was ADAMANT about being he "alpha male" to him. SO we are starting doggie training. :-(
We have to push him to the ground and make him submit EVERY TIME he jumps on the kids or tries to nip them. He is really cute, BUT licks all the time, those of you that know me well know I HATE that! UGH!!! Nothing worse than being licked 24/7 by a darn dog! Hope you enjoy our boy. He is weighing in at 23lbs which is 2 lbs more than C-man right now! LOL! They are quite the pair C-man calls him Roooh-ieeee. It is really cute. But when isn't C-man cute! Things are going well. C-man goes to the NMD on the 20th for his results she moved his appointment up. Sorry it took me so long to post, but J has had my camera for work so I didn't have any pics to post. Will post more after this!

Monday, July 21, 2008

C-man update...again

C-man went back to the Naturopathic MD today. We got his 2nd set of stool test back. POSITIVE and NEGATIVE! Praising God that we finally are starting to go somewhere! He has been taking baby probiotics for MONTHS now. I think I started them around 4mo? On and off. Well he shows absolutely NONE in his system! For some reason his body is not absorbing any of them. Here is what it says:
Gamma Strep 4+
Bacillus spp. 1+
Staphylococcus Aureus 1+
None of this means anything to me, but she said that they shouldn't be there. BUT they are not what is causing his problems. (Diarrhea)I guess these are all normal bacterias that our bodies host, but they should NOT be in his digestive tract.
Here are his major results:
Lysozyme: 1440 (normal is <=600) Lactoferrin 13.5 (norm is <7.3) class="blsp-spelling-error" id="SPELLING_ERROR_10">sigA (body defense mechanism) 636 (norm is 51-204)
His stool is also WAY to acidic (cause of his frequent diaper rashes)
There are two paths we could've chosen to go down. All signs point towards one of 5 things. The first three are bacteria/parasitic related. We choose this route to eliminate first, since it is treatable. He is being tested (stool again) for Shigella, Ckistrudium DiffucileToxin, these two can be contracted from eating under cooked chicken, especially common in Chinese food and from bad drinking water. Lakes and rivers are major causes of this. He, until this month had never been in a lake or river. The third thing is a deeper analysis of parasites.
If none of these come back positive then she will head down the other path.The other would be Ulcerated Colitis, IBD (inflammatory bowel disease, not to be confused with IBS) Where IBS is irritating, IBD is potentially life threatening untreated. Not sure WHAT treating would consist of. Last, Chrone's Disease.
Please continue to pray! We go back in one month. It takes a 4days to collect samples a week or two to "grow" them, then a week to get back to the Dr. So we will see her again around the 25th of August.

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Meet Walle

Here is one of the new members in our family! Walle is a Siamese/Persian girl kitty we rescued from Wal Mart (hence the name) She is really sweet. It took Lightning 2 or 3 days to get used to her. But they are best buds now and they totally dislike Rookie! She is going to make a mess of my house with that long white hair but that just means she will fit right in! LOL! Now the kids each have a pet. NO MORE! Pictures of Rookie to come soon hopefully he will not stay still for a picture!

Monday, July 14, 2008

POOP on the Floor

I have been trying to work with C-man on his pottying situation. He hates to keep a wet diaper on! So he takes it off every chance he gets, which I have been told is a sign he is ready to potty train. we tried naked boy.
Did I mention it didn't work well??? LOL! He pooped under the table, luckily I got the potty under him for most of it, but in the process one of the kids let the dog in, who of course RAN under the table and tried to EAT it!!!!!!!!!!!! DISGUSTING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Can you say *&$# DOG! LOL!
So we will NOT be doing much naked time for a while! Have trainer coming in the mail hopefully they will work better! he just can not be easy like Mouse and JuJu can he! They were SO easy, I said "today we are going to go on the potty, they said "okay" I KNEW I couldn't be so lucky for them all to be so easy!

Monday, July 7, 2008

Camping for the 4th

Here is a picture of the monsters from our 4th of July camping trip! Mouse LOVED it, C-man ate every rock in the camp site, ended up with hives all over his belly, still trying to get rid of them! JuJu was bored "what are we going to do now/next?" came out of her mouth about every 1/2 hour. It was HOT, DIRTY, HOT....I mean really HOT!

Here they are playing dominoes in the tent. Unfortunately I forgot to take pictures of the PortAPrivy. YEP! J took me somewhere with NO running water, NO toilets, not even outhouses, didn't even have a picnic table at the site! Come on you would think the man would know me after 11 yrs! HELLO! LOL! But I had to prove that I could do it, don't say I don't have a foolish, stubborn streak! I did it, I hated it, will I do it again....MAYBE. Yep I am certifiable!

One a side not, we now have two new members of the family. Rookie our lab puppy we were adopting is now in his forever home with us! We picked him up from his foster mom last night. We also took in a kitten that was going to die in a Wal Mart shopping cart area....LONG STORY! But I have a bleeding heart for kittens. She is beautiful, I will post pics of them soon, her name is Walle, after Wal Mart and spelled like the movie! Mouse's idea. We thought she was a boy at first. NOPE...Lightning is NOT happy about the newest Inglin's! She hisses at them and swats them. Hoping she adjusts!

Hope your weekend was great....Did I mention mine was HOT???? hee hee!

Thursday, July 3, 2008

C-man dressing himself

Oh My Goodness! Is this not so darn cute! C-Man was going through the clean clothes and put on Mouse's shirt for a pair of "pants" and his own on top! TOO CUTE!

Sunday, June 29, 2008

JuJu the Ballerina

JuJu had her first ballet recital. Grandmas' Margie and Karen and Papa Felix were here. She was so cute, and she danced fabulous!!!!!!! Isn't she beautiful! Decades of Dance was the theme this year. The dance they did was to Doggie in the Window. She definitely inherited the athletic gene from J! We all know I can't do anything remotely athletic! She was disappointed when we told her ballet is off in the summer like school and wouldn't start up again until September. I guess next year we will have to sign her up for summer camp!

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Another Dead End

C-man had his appointment with the nutritionist this week. Basically the only good thing we got out of it was that we now know he isn't eating NEARLY enough (Duh) He is eating about 800 calories a day, but with him being below the charts with weight and in the 10-25% for his height he NEEDS to be eating 1200-1400 calories!!!!!!!
Please tell me how to MAKE my child eat! I have yet to figure this technique out with all 3 of my kids! He THROWS his food in the floor! He has however, discovered dipping! He LOVES to dip! So I give him GF ketsup and GF/DF ranch (don't ask!) He happily sits and dips, but he only eats maybe half of what he dips! Mainly he uses the food to suck the dip off!
She told us, that she felt really bad that she wasn't more help, but everything that she would recommend I was already doing (yeah me!, score 2 pts for mama!)
Short of the fact he needs to eat more, she had no recommendations! Basically I need to figure out how to get high calories foods into the items he DOES like to eat. Ideas?? Email me!
She did give us the "If you we don't see an improvement, worse case scenario" talk. Totally freaked me out of course! She said that if he didn't at least get ON the chart that the Dr could decide that he would need a feeding tube at night! WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So pray that we can figure out foods that are safe, and don't give him the poops, that he will discover a fondness for eating high calorie foods, and that it NEVER comes to that! I don't think that is something I could handle. Praying good doesn't think so either!

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Happy Birthday JuJu!

JuJu turned 4!!!! Wow time flies! Here is a picture of her and her buddies at her party last week. She had a barbie party, we gave them makeovers and they dressed up it was really fun!

Monday, June 9, 2008

EXTREMELY Frustrated...

Sit back, grab a soft drink, because this is a long vent!!!!
I think that C-man's Doctor appointment was the biggest waste of money I have ever spent! Okay let me back up. We get there, C-man has had a HUGE nasty stinky blow out, I mean the WHOLE place reeks! We are taken right back so I can clean him up, change his clothes. Doctor comes in says something along the lines of "oh someone has a tummy ache." (DUH) Ask how he has been feeling (DUH again) I told him about last weeks visit to the Dr and his fever and crazy hives. Told him that Dr said nothing seemed to be wrong and it was probably viral. He immediately chalks the diarrhea up to the virus!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am not saying that it COULDN'T be it, Benny had dirrhea with his fever, BUT C-man didn't get the diarrhea until 2days AFTER the fever and hives. He said EVERYTHING came back normal or negative. He did go to his sister's bday party were I TRIED to be very dilligent, but I was hosting and it was hard to do! So who knows what he could have ate! Anything is possible. I mentioned that it was likely he got into something. The man didn't even know C-man had food allergies! WHAT!!! His regular Doctor was supposed to fax all that, supposedly they didn't receive anything. Nor did they get the original blood work! So they had nothing to compare it to. Last time we were there they asked me to keep a food journal, so they could be sure he was eating enough calories. The first thing he says is "Is there a reason his main food is almond milk?" Seriously I wanted to punch him! HELLO!!!! The kid is 19mo and picky AND can't eat anything! It is why we were there! Then he says, "well he grew 5cm since the last time he was here, and he hasn't lost any weight so I am concerned but think he will be fine!" GRRRRRR.....I can see Jeff's thought process in this period of time too. NOT GOOD.
The Dr can tell I am getting irrated. I ask him what was the pediatrician's reasoning to send us to him then if nothing was wrong? And why did the Doctor seem to think that his Celiac panel was borderline? He says, "oh he has been tested before?" At this point I am ready to blow up! YES!!!!!!!! So he says he needs me to (again) fax the info to him, so he can compare and review, and he wanted to know why we didn't have the sweat test taken! OHMYGOSH! HELLO! I told him what HE said, about not having it done when Connor is sick and has fever and hives. He says okay well did you reschedule it? I reminded him that the first one took almost 4 wks to get into, and that I need to call again because no one had returned my call yet. He says okay have that done, and come back in 2 wks. Did he not HEAR ME! 4wks for the first apt! Then he says okay here is a # to another hospital that MAY do small children. Call them, question, why can't his office staff do this for me???? Then he proceeds to tell us that if that turns out fine and he doesn't seem to be "improving" then he will need to do the endoscopy ASAP. GREAT, so now I opened my big mouth so much that they want to do the procedure I was hoping to avoid! I just can't seem to get the dr thing right! TOTALLY frustrated. Oh, and the Dr was irritated with me for having C-man on a GF diet "without proof" of a medically necessary condition. He said that it frustrates him when reg Dr do this because then it screws up there test results. Which I CAN understand, BUT I am sorry what do they want me to do, let my baby starve to death? Am I supposed to keep watching him have severe diarrhea and vomitting, excema, distended belly and screaming uncontrolably in the night? So we wait again...

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Totally bummed...

C-man was supposed to have his sweat test today at Phoenix Children's Hospital BUT he is sick! He started running a fever of 103 yesterday broke out in hives on his face, arms and legs. Poor little guy kept saying "ouch!" So they cancelled his test. Totally frustrated because it was a month wait for this appointment. So we have to wait again! He is still going in for the follow up on Monday though in order to get the results of the test he already had completed. I don't think I could stand waiting any longer!

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Happy Birthday Boo!

Boo turned one! I got to cute his hair! The kids got the "pleasure" of trying one of my experimental cakes that is Gluten Free. They all loved it! The birthday boy was more interested in his ice cream! I can't believe that the babies are one now! Time flys...

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Still waiting...

C-man was supposed to go in to see the GI specialist again this Tuesday but the Doctor hasn't got all his testing back. Also, the Children's Hospital still hasn't had any cancellations to get him in before the 5th of June. So it looks like we have another week or two. I rescheduled his follow-up with the GI for the 9th of June. So we SHOULD have all test results that were ordered back in. Let me tell you that getting the "samples" as I will nicely call them was NEAR impossible! Have you ever tried to hold a baby over a paint style can to do his "deed"? Or tried to figure out when he was going or just being aromatic? LOL! Talk about GAG city! UGH! I PRAY I never have to do THAT again! GI said the lab would have to just get what they could! Hopefully it is enough.
As for me, I spent one day at ER this week, and today at UC. No clue what is going on, I am a mass of symptoms for both my thyroid/adrinal gland(s) and my gallbladder. From Thursday until today from my ears/chin down to my waist front and back and on my arms I have been covered in hives. I had to have a prednisone shot in the behind OUCH!!!!!!!
I have a follow-up with a internal medicine specialist/family practice Dr. Tues at 2:30p and then next week on the 2nd I see a Endocrinologist, FINALLY!!!!!!!! I know the stress of C-man being sick and wrapping up a school year with Mouse have added a lot. So we have been getting rid of all the extra commitments. Which means, no more homeschool park day for a while, no more preschool swap hosting for me, though my friends have graciously said JuJu could still come to their homes. Baseball is finished for Mouse so no more 2-3 days a week commitment there, cancelled plans for swim lessons, C-man is the only one who doesn't know how to swim, but since we don't own a pool it isn't crucial until next year, IMO. Ballet will be finished for the summer in a little over 4 wks. So please keep us in your thoughts and prayers!
Oh and we are NOT getting a new puppy until early July. That is when the liter will be old enough, by then HOPEFULLY our life will on some sort of better track by then!

Monday, May 12, 2008

C-Man update

Hi all,

First thank you for your prayers and well wishes in the last week or so. C-Man was seen at the Pediatric Gastroenterology appointment today. Appointment basically was a run through of symptoms, check list of what kind of test he has had in his little life, and what he felt we needed to have him tested for at this point. He didn't have blood in his stool today at his appointment, which is definitely a plus! He also checked his ears after finding out today was his last day of antibiotics, which were looking beautiful he said! He did worry me a little when he said that two of his lymph nodes in his neck were enlarged, and he proceeded to check him under his arms and in his groin. He didn't say anything after checking there so I don't know if that was good or bad. This week we are off to the hospital for stool samples, tons of blood work and a sweat test. He said it wasn't likely that he has Cystic Fibrosis, but some of his symptoms match and he has to rule it out first. He did mention a endoscope and biopsy of his intestines. But will not do that until he gets the test results back in two weeks. PLEASE keep praying for peace, answers, healing and knowledge from God. C-Man to make matters worse has decided to become picky!!!! He isn't drinking almond milk I am TRYING at this point to get him to drink soy, which I don't like giving him. But he needs SOMETHING! He also is throwing his food, and tells us "NO NO NO!" I just don't know what to do.
Love and Miss everyone....

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Pretty Mom's "story"

Beautiful..... A baby asked God, 'They tell me you are sending me to earth tomorrow, buthow am I going to live there being so small and helpless?' God said,'Your angel will be waiting for you and will take care of you.' Thechild further inquired, 'But tell me, here in heaven I don't have to doanything but sing and smile to be happy.' God said, 'Your angel willsing for you and will also smile for you. And you will feel yourangel's love and be very happy.' Again the child asked, 'Andhow am I going to be able to understand when people talk to me if Idon't know the language?' God said, 'Your angel will tell you the mostbeautiful and sweet words you will ever hear, and with much patienceand care, your angel will teach you how to speak.' 'And w hat am Igoing to do when I want to talk to you?' God said, 'Your angel will place your hands together and will teach you how to pray.' 'Who will protect me?' God said, 'Your angel will defend you even if it means risking its life.' 'ButI will always be sad because I will not see you anymore.' God said,'Your angel will always talk to you about Me and will teach you the wayto come back to Me, even though I will always be next to you.' Atthat moment there was much peace in Heaven, but voices from Earth couldbe heard and the child hurriedly asked, 'God, if I am to leave now,please tell me my angel's name.' God said, 'You will simply call her, 'Mom.' Lifta mother's spirit, send this to every mother you know. (no matter howold her child is), and to every child who loves their mother.?? HappyMother's Day to all you "Moms"!

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Dr apt

C-man has his appointment with the GI specialist on Monday May 12, if you could please keep him in your prayer we would appreciate it! He hasn't been eating well this week. Refusing to drink any Almond Milk or Soy Milk. Will only drink water or watered down apple juice. He basically eats breakfast and snacks the rest of the day. Dreading his weigh in! He is so darn happy though! He makes me smile and laugh all day. Really hard to disappline the "baby". He is just so darn cute when he throws fits! YIKES!!!

Monday, May 5, 2008

C-Man Update...

We got the first set of results for C-man's test today. So far everything is coming back great. His white blood cell count is normal, his thyroid is normal, the 1st blood work regarding the Celiac's Disease came back JUST barely in the normal/high range. So he said the GI will do other test that are for Celiac's Disease. Normal at his age is 20-100 his was 98. So JUST in the normal range. He said it doesn't rule it out because we have been TRYING to avoid anything that would cause huge flare ups. I should here from Phoenix Children's Hospital tomorrow with an apt date and time. Most likely in the next week. Will keep everyone posted, please keep up the prayers!!! God is SO good!


Friday, May 2, 2008

Pray Please...

Dear Friends and Family,

Today was a trying day for me. As most of you know C-man has been suffering from food allergies and intolerance. He had his 18mo check up today and it was very discouraging. 3 weeks ago I took him to a new Doctor, a regular pediatrician (our insurance will not cover naturopathic medicine anymore!) He was sick running a high fever....again....for an ear infection. She gave me antibiotic ear drops and he seemed to be doing better, at that day and time, he weighed 21lbs. Now you all now I have skinny little kids but she was worried and wrote up a referral for him to see a nutritionist. We can't get into her office until the end of June! Well today when I took him in his ear was worse, he was given antibiotics, which at this point I feel led to give him because the supplements I have been giving him have not worked in the past 3 weeks. But the alarming thing is my baby, who was not on the chart for his weight 3 weeks ago, has lost 2 lbs! He now weighs 19.9lbs. I am beside myself with worry and his Doctor is very concerned.
We spent the morning at the lab he is having a CBC count done, they are testing his thyroid, and he is being screened for celiac's disease. The Pediatrician is trying to get him into Phoenix Children's Hospital as soon as possible to see a Gastrontologist(sp), to have him screened for both Chrone's (sp?) and Colitis Disease. He is also be checked for mal-absorption.
PLEASE, whatever you believe, PLEASE, pray! Pray that the LORD will fill the Doctor's with the knowledge to figure out what is wrong with him, please pray that he does not lose anymore weight, pray for my family as we try to work our way through this time in our life. I pray that God, in whatever he has planned, will fill me with peace and pray that C-man will have healing. I pray that we will not have to have an endoscope done, but if we do that the LORD will bring him through it safely.

Hugs to you all and know you are in my prayers also!

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

3 Bugs in a Rug...

How cute are they! JuJu has a daybed, she and mouse along with cousin N are all sleeping with the trundle popped up but side ways on the bed! To cute! They are so excited that their cousins are living close to us now! Built in best friends for the boys, good thing JuJu has such great friends in her PG!
Missing Buddy terribly, but hanging in there. The kids are distracted by the boys coming in and all the excitement of them moving here. Mouse tells me everyday that he and his friend D are going to build a time machine, go back into time and get the ER vet to take an x-ray of Buddy's stomach and save him. Oh if it were only that simple!

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Another Memory

Our brand new puppy Buddy was sent in for emergency surgery yesterday after being seen last Friday at ER for pets, due to vomiting. We were told then that even though he didn't have a positive Parvovirus test, they were treating him for Parvo and sent us home with meds. He continued to get worse. So I took him to his regular vet yesterday and they discovered after x-rays a "foreign" object in his intestines. Buddy died today at 2:55pm PCT at the young age of almost 4 months. He ate a pair of underwear, and they got caught in his small intestines, which after 6 days started to fold in and die. He will be very missed and we are very sad over all the sad news we have received in the past week. So if you prayer please pray in our time of sorrow. We will miss you Buddy....

In Loving Memory

March 26th 2008 J's beloved grandmother passed away in her sleep. She lived a wonderful long life besides the love of her life Francis Sr., who she survived 6yrs. We will miss you Grandma Mabel, but rejoice in the fact that one day we will see you again. Until then rest in peace....Nov 23rd 1917-March 26, 2008. please watch this...

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Pics from my bday

So Jeff threw me a surprise party (WOW can you believe it!!) for my 30th birthday! We went to my new favorite restaurant Skye, when we got there they took us outside to the patio. Which I thought was weird, but then they opened the doors and all of my friends were there! It was SO cool! I just can't believe that he was able to pull it off and no one spilled the beans! I totally thought we were just going to dinner! To cute of him! Here is a picture of me walking in and one of the me by the little sign that says happy bday!

Friday, March 14, 2008

30 and counting...

So my 30th birthday came and went with no fanfare. Which isn't a big deal, but I feel like I should feel old or different. NOPE! Just another day! Basically I feel, as a friend put it, 29 yrs old plus a few days! The kids picked out a oreo cookie cake for me, and Pop took me to Sedona, which was really beautiful. Hope to go back again soon with out C-man the other monsters stayed here in town. But you can't hike with a little one! Want to see the ruins and go to the vortexs! Anyways 30 was not a big deal to me, just another day....

Friday, February 29, 2008

How cute is he!

So buddy discovered JuJu's chair in her room! The little monster ate my favorite diaper cover of C-Man'sI am SO upset! But what can I do he is just being a puppy! It fell out of the laundry basket as I was putting clothes in the wash! Isn't he the cutest you have ever seen! He LOVES her tink chair!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Buddy is home....

We picked up the dog today. Did you know they completely remove the dogs you know whats when he is spayed now???!!!!!!!!!! About had a heart attack when I saw that! LOL! Thought for a minute the vet was confused, ummmmm, HELLO!!! What a dork I am! Anyways all is well so far. He seems to miss his litermates, but so far he hasn't chew everything to pieces........well he did eat a sucky!!! C-Man was NOT happy! But hey it may help us get C-Man off the pacifiers during the day! So that is a good thing. Lightning doesn't know if she likes him or not yet, he of course chased her all over the yard today, she got him across the nose a few times and he came yelping to me, so yep you guessed it I am now officially a mom to a DOG too! J and I figured it out he and C-Man are the same age! Happy times so far...praying it stays that way!

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Doom's Day tomorrow!

Tomorrow is Doom's Day!!!! Puppy is coming I am out of my mind! Hopefully everything goes well!!!! I hope he isn't to sad once he figures out he isn't going to see his liter mates again. Poor little guy, my kids are going to smother him!!!

Friday, February 22, 2008

Count Down....

So the kids are on a count down to bringing the puppy home! Me I am having buyers remorse!!! LOL! Totally freaking out! I have been reading (don't laugh!) Puppies for Dummies!!!!! AHHHHH....not sure if we will make to CA for my bday after all. The puppy will not have all his shots by then so we may have to postpone our trip out until May! Mom and Pop are coming in April with Nat-ta-tat so the kids will have to visit him then! I am going to miss getting my baby fix with Boo though!!!!! I can't believe his is almost one. So who the heck is going to have a baby for me to cuddle???? Come on any takers???? PLEASE????

Sunday, February 3, 2008

New Addition

Well we decided to adopt a puppy. The Mouse has been begging us for almost 2 years. J really wanted one also, so I am out numbered!!! Though they have both sworn to take care of him. His name is Buddy, named by Mouse, we went and met him today but will not get to bring him home until he is 10wks old. We got him from you can view him their also under "we have puppies" then click on 7weeks. His name was Chunky Monkey. He is the runt so we are hoping he will not get as huge as some of his siblings! All 3 kids are totally in love! We chose him because he was the most docile and gentle with C-Man. Two of the other available pups thought C-Man was a liter mate! They kept knocking him down, Buddy just licked him! Will post pics on the 27th when we bring him home! The kids can't wait.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Another trip to Flagstaff!

J and Mouse wanted to go skiing again, so we went up with friends of ours this time! We had a blast, JuJu had a great time with KK playing the snow. Mouse skied black diamond the big mountain after another set of lessons. He says he is ready to try snowboarding now!
C-man discovered eating snow this trip. He wont keep gloves or mittens on so he doesn't last long out there!
I have my final next week for my anthropology class I am taking online, please keep me in your thoughts and prayers this week! I have given Mouse a semi holiday from school this week, in order to prep for it! He is loving it! All he has to do is read, watch signing time and do some math!

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Trip to Flagstaff

Sunday J and I took the kids up to Flagstaff to play in the snow. We rented a cabin for 2 days, it was SO much fun!!! The kids had a blast, well C-man wasn't to sure about it! But JuJu and Mouse loved it!
J and Mouse went skiing at AZ snowbowl. Mouse had so much fun! LOVED skiing! He keeps asking J when they are going again. J said a few time he actually made him nervous! Which as you all know J is so laid back, so Mouse must have been wild and crazy to make him nervous!
JuJu was on the wall over skiing one minute she wanted to try next didn't so we told her she could try next year. They don't give lessons until age 5 but they will let you use ski's if you want to try to teach them yourself.
C-man looked like the little boy from The Christmas Story in his snow gear!!!! Hope you enjoy the pics as much as I did taking them!

Trip to Flagstaff

Sunday Jeff and I took the kids up to Flagstaff to play in the snow. We rented a cabin for 2 days, it was SO much fun!!! The kids had a blast, well Connor wasn't to sure about it! But Juli and Mike loved it!
Jeff and Mike went skiing at AZ snowbowl. Mike had so much fun! LOVED skiing! He keeps asking Jeff when they are going again. Jeff said a few time he actually made him nervous! Which as you all know Jeff is so laid back, so Mike must have been wild and crazy to make him nervous!
Juli was on the wall over skiing one minute she wanted to try next didn't so we told her she could try next year. They don't give lessons until age 5 but they will let you use ski's if you want to try to teach them yourself.
Connor looked like the little boy from The Christmas Story in his snow gear!!!! Hope you enjoy the pics as much as I did taking them!
Love Staci

Friday, January 4, 2008

Happy New Year!!!

Well Merry Christmas late too! I wasn't able to get on and post pics of the kids at Christmas just way to hectic with us all having colds and being between families houses! But hope you like the ones I was able to post. The kids had a blast, the day after we got home they wanted to know when we were going to be going back to CA again.
Glad to be home where it is dry and warm (60+ degrees!) Look forward to catching up with you all we missed in March. If not then, summer??!!! Time just goes to quickly! I spend the first 2 days lethargic from traveling with 3 kids, then the last 2 days doing laundry and organizing to head back home! I am telling you the British are smart people with their Nannies! LOL!
Talk to you all soon, love you, miss you, wish we had caught everyone on the trip out!

The love of my life and I.

The love of my life and I.